Research three companies that interest you, or that you might like to work for. Use the Internet, library, trade journals, Chamber of Commerce, or other sources to locate this information.

Research three companies that interest you, or that you might like to work for. Use the Internet, library, trade journals, Chamber of Commerce, or other sources to locate this information. Most companies have Web sites, which are great places to start. Then choose the company you would most like to work for and explain why.
After you have researched your chosen companies, complete the following information:
COMPANY ONE: Company or organization name: Briefly describe what the company does: Location(s): Web site address (if there is one): Phone number: Type of position you are interested in within the company: How to apply: Positive aspects on company: Negative aspects on company: Three things you learned about the company or organization. These might include size, mission statement, growth projection, etc.:
COMPANY TWO: Company or organization name: Briefly describe what the company does: Location(s): Web site address (if there is one): Phone number: Type of position you are interested in within the company: How to apply: Positive aspects on company: Negative aspects on company: Three things you learned about the company or organization. These might include size, mission statement, growth projection, etc.:
COMPANY THREE: Company or organization name: Briefly describe what the company does: Location(s): Web site address (if there is one): Phone number: Type of position you are interested in within the company: How to apply: Positive aspects on company: Negative aspects on company: Three things you learned about the company or organization. These might include size, mission statement, growth projection, etc.:


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