Fairytales and Feminism

In this paper consider how fairytales shape our ideas of gender roles. Remember that one of the functions of myths (stories) is the sociological function which informs us about our place in our society. For this paper you will need to read the “politically correct” version of the Cinderella story. This "PC" version is essentially a satirical commentary on traditional fairytales and the roles women and men play in them. It pokes fun, if you will, at traditional stories. After reading this version, think about what the traditional story teaches young children about gender roles. Use specific examples from the politically correct version to support your points. This PC version is attached. Incidentally, this version is intended for adults, not children. By making fun of the traditional story, it highlights some things we should think about especially regarding to gender roles.
Please write a well-organized paper which has a clear introduction, 3-4 main ideas, support for those ideas taken from the readings, and a conclusion. Just because this is a short essay does not mean the paper should not be written according to academic standards. Remember that in a Gordon Rule class one of the objectives is to communicate effectively.
1. Your paper should be approximately one-two pages in length (this is just a guideline, typed, double-spaced.)
2. Your paper needs to be formatted according to MLA style. Some of this includes using a 12pt. font and setting 1” margins all the way around. There are many good online resources for formatting papers according to MLA. Be resourceful.
3. Your paper will need to be submitted through SafeAssign. You will see this link in the Assignment Tab of our course.
4. No late work will be accepted, so be sure to submit the paper before the deadline. SafeAssign will only allow you to submit your paper once, so be sure you select the correct file before submitting it.

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