How we interpret something often depends on our past experiences and perspectives

How we interpret something often depends on our past experiences and perspectives. Begin by reading the Ain’t I a Woman speech given by Sojourner Truth. Describe your reactions to this speech. When you watched Cicely Tyson’s interpretation through her performance, was it different than you imagined? How and why? Which medium did you enjoy the most?
Now, do the same exercise with the two articles for Omayra Sanchez's story. When her picture was released, there was controversy about whether the picture was necessary to convey her story or if it was just an attempt by the journalist to shock the public and sale more newspapers. Do you think the picture was necessary? Was the event conveyed just as vividly in the story without the picture? Why or why not?
Comparing the forms you preferred in each case, what might that tell you about how you learn?
Read two or more of your classmate’s postings from the Discussion question.
Respond with a comment that asks for clarification or provides support for two or more of your classmates.
Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights you have gained as a result of the comments your classmates made.

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